
Affordable Fire Extinguishers in Northants

Northants Fire Extinguishers provide quality repaired, cheap fire extinguishers and can test them for £4 a test.

We repair, replace and maintain fire extinguishers in Northants and across the UK

Fire extinguisher regulations in the UK demand that all businesses possess two Class A fire extinguishers on every floor of their building. This is to help protect your company and its people from carbonaceous fires, caused by wood, paper, straw and textiles.

Depending on the nature of your business, you may also need to have different types of extinguishers available, too. For example, typically you will also need a CO2 fire extinguisher if you have electrical equipment. This should also be paired with a water or foam fire extinguisher.

All fire extinguishers must be serviced at least once a year, and servicing should be carried out by experts who are BAFE (British Approval of Fire Equipment) qualified, or equivalent.

At Northants Testing, depending on the number of fire extinguishers you have in your business, we may be able to complete servicing for as little as £4 per test.

A test should include an inspection of the overall condition of the fire extinguisher, checking for any sign of tampering, checking the weight and pressure of the extinguisher, ensuring the pin is functioning, checking the hose, and ensuring the instructions are legible and clear.

Once a fire extinguisher has passed inspection it will receive a service label which details the service date and when the next service is due, as well as any instructions for refill or replacement. It will also get an anti-tamper tag for the pin (unless the pin is plastic, in which case it should be replaced each year). You will also receive a service certificate for your records.

It’s also important to note that water, foam and powder extinguishers must undergo discharge tests every 5 years, and CO2 extinguishers every 10 years.

If we find any issue with your fire extinguishers, we are able to repair/refurbish or replace them for you, as necessary. Our team are always happy to discuss your options with you upon completing the services.

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